Project information

  • Category: Masters Thesis
  • Project date: 2020-Present

Masters Thesis

I started my Masters of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Calgary in Fall 2020. My research focused on Physical Layer Security applied to self-driving vehicles.

I chose to write my thesis with a focus on Physical Layer Security with self-driving vehicles using cooperative communication because security is the most important technology for the future interconnected world we all live in. Every day people are deeply affected by security breaches and if people are to trust self-driving technology engineers need to put in the work to ensure safety and security. People are putting their families in these vehicles after all. The current wireless channel is insecure, in the future 5G wireless channels will handle massive amounts of data. Some of this data will be safety critical messages. In this way, I hope my research protects everyday users and also ensures they have power over their privacy without compromising security.